We harvested our merlot on the 19th of Elul with a brix level around 24. We had enough grapes to fill-up 520 liters of stainless steel vats. On the same day we also received for the first time organic merlot grapes from our friend Meni Gertler in Nativ Avot, Gush Etzion (100 kilograms). At the time of pressing we had a total of 295 liters of Susya merlot, and 47 liters of Nativ Avot merlot. A few days before Purim we separated tithes and bottles a portion of the wine in honor of the festive meal. The rest of the wine we bottled just prior to Passover.  In total we bottled 540 bottles of excellent wine (including cabernet, see further on). A few people still have a few personal bottles.
