
2013 - Merlot Netiv Avot

On the 5th of Tishrei, Meni Gertler from Nativ Avot brought us 480 kilograms of his organic merlot. Wine bottled from this year (and future years, G-d willing), went out to the public with the label “Oz V’Anava”, representing Weiss-HaLivni’s Nativ Avot merlot. These bottles can also still be purchased.

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2013 - Merlot

This year we made wine from both our original field in Susya as well as another 3 dunams of merlot that reached its 4th birthday (thus being permitted according to Jewish law). So, we are talking now about a total of 500 vines of merlot in Susya. A week before Rosh HaShana we harvested the […]

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